Is it Better to Wax or Shave?

Is it Better to Wax or Shave?

Both waxing and shaving are hair removal methods…and that’s about where their similarities end. While both remove hair, each takes a different route to getting the desired results. By the end of this article, you’ll know whether to pluck or sheer your way to...
What Are the Applications of Reaction™ by Viora?

What Are the Applications of Reaction™ by Viora?

There’s a particular spot on your face or body that you’d love to see looking a little tighter, a little less ‘jiggly,’ but you’re not sure you want to commit to surgery just yet. Have you considered your non-surgical RF(radio frequency) skin tightening options?...
What Is Cellulite and How Is It Treated?

What Is Cellulite and How Is It Treated?

Are you happy with what you see looking in the mirror? As a woman, the chances of you dealing with cellulite in your lifetime are relatively high. Unfortunately, cellulite is going to be a part of most women’s lives, whether they like it or not. That said, cellulite...