How Often Should I Get a Chemical Peel Treatment?

How Often Should I Get a Chemical Peel Treatment?

Sometimes nature’s elements can wreak havoc on our skin. Home beauty routines can help, but sometimes you may need a little extra.  A chemical peel is a dermatological procedure designed to rejuvenate the appearance of your skin. As a result, wrinkles become less...

Benefits of The Alma Soprano Laser Machine

Benefits of The Alma Soprano Laser Machine

A vacation on the beach is a great way to spend your free time from the office. Relaxing in a swimsuit with a drink in hand while the sun shines down on you makes for a great vacation. However, you won't relax if you constantly have to worry about how you look. If...

What Are the Applications of Reaction™ by Viora?

What Are the Applications of Reaction™ by Viora?

There’s a particular spot on your face or body that you’d love to see looking a little tighter, a little less ‘jiggly,’ but you’re not sure you want to commit to surgery just yet. Have you considered your non-surgical RF(radio frequency) skin tightening options?...

What Is Cellulite and How Is It Treated?

What Is Cellulite and How Is It Treated?

Are you happy with what you see looking in the mirror? As a woman, the chances of you dealing with cellulite in your lifetime are relatively high. Unfortunately, cellulite is going to be a part of most women’s lives, whether they like it or not. That said, cellulite...

What Is Eyebrow Lamination?

What Is Eyebrow Lamination?

Do you have your heart set on fuller, more natural-looking brows? Maybe you’re tired of microblading and want to take advantage of the latest brow trend. Whatever your reason, eyebrow lamination may be an excellent option for you. Eyebrow lamination is a relatively...

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

All the beauty magazines are talking about it. Models rave about it. Some of your friends have tried it.  And now, here you are wondering if the day will ever come when you don’t have to pick up a razor and prep yourself for shaving.  If you have ever thought about a...

What To Expect With A Lash Tint

What To Expect With A Lash Tint

Do you dislike having to use messy mascara every day? Do you have fair colored or thin eyelashes and hate having to coat them daily only to have it run down if you even THINK about sweating? Never fear, eyelash tinting has you covered...and colored!  Imagine not...

Are Eyelash Extensions Safe?

Are Eyelash Extensions Safe?

When it comes to getting longer lashes, the go-to has always been mascara. Most ladies have at least one tube in their makeup bag. Others, however, want a more dramatic look and opt for false lashes, a lash lift, or extensions.  Permanent makeup, eyelash transplants,...

What to Expect with Microblading

What to Expect with Microblading

Eyebrows are as unique as snowflakes. They all have their own size, thickness or thinness, shape and length. Tweezing, penciling, trimming and shaving to sculpt a great set of eyebrows has been the norm for how we’ve dealt with unruly brows in the past. But in the...